Monday, March 8, 2010

The Little Red Hen Continued

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"Little Red Hen read the Bible each day.
"Who would like to read with me?" she asked her friends.
"Not I," said Mr. Duck. "I'm taking a trip to town."
"Not I," said Mrs. Cat. "I'm going to lie down."
"Not I," grumbled Mr. Pig. "I don't have time!"
So she read the Word anyway!

My son, attend to my words; incline your ear to what I say.
Let them not depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart.
Proverbs 4:20
My son, keep my words, and keep my commandments.
Proverbs 7:1

Friday, March 5, 2010

"The Little Red Hen"

Today my mom dropped off a box of some of the old books I had as a child. I began to look through it and was reading some of the stories I knew I had once loved, but couldn't quite remember, when I came across one that I just had to share with you.

I'm sure everyone remembers the story of the "Little Red Hen" who's friends wouldn't help her bake the bread, which is exactly the story I thought I would be reading. However, while similar, this story was much better. Over the week I'm going to share the story with you and then maybe you can share it with your children.

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"Once upon a time, there was a Little Red Hen, who loved god with all of her heart. She had asked Jesus to be her Lord, and wanted to please Him from the start!

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God
raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart a person believes,
resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting n salvation.
Romans 10:9-10

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"She had three neighbors at the farm who were Christians, too. They all went to church and heard the Word, but Little Red Hen DID the things God said to do!

...but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him:
1 John 2:5

Okay, that's all for today. I will tell more of the story tomorrow. It's a great version of the Little Red Hen!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Goodbye winter. Goodbye winter.

We are ready to say goodbye to winter.

Goodbye winter "bugs" that make us sad.

Goodbye hats and runny noses.

Goodbye jackets and cold fingers.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Quiet Evening

It's barely 8:00 pm and everyone else is already in bed, fast asleep. I don't know if that's ever happened. Even the TV has been turned off for the night... in fact, it never even came on. It's just me and the sounds of the night - peaceful!

Since I had a spare moment, I thought I would finally update my blog. Not much has happened in the last several months. We've been in our new home for about 3 months now, and it's just perfect. Aric's been at his new job for almost 4 months, and it has been an answer to prayer. The kids are great, and growing like weeds. Hannah talks and sings constantly, and is always making us laugh. Gideon is everywhere and is 100% boy, always getting himself into trouble somehow. He keeps me on my toes.

Here we are with our little munchkins the day after the beautiful snowfall.

Oh yeah... in the last month Gideon not only got his first tooth, but has since had 4 more pop through. 5 teeth in one month means a constant runny nose and some very grouchy moments. Poor guy. He's been a trouper though, and if I must say, the teeth are pretty cute on him.